Sunday, January 18, 2009

Home-made videos about Mary

S has spent the past six months or so photographing her college campus in order to make a couple of videos featuring images of Mary on campus, accompanied by text from the saints and the voices of some students who recorded an album about Mary. Here they are:

And the second, longer one:


  1. Thanks for the links. I watched Ave Maris Stella and liked it so much that I sent the link to a Marist priest I know. As I am a bit of a non-churchgoing heathen it was remarkable to find something holy that I liked;-) (Though it is possibly even more remarkable that I know a Marist priest.) He really liked it. Then he suggested that maybe I could put some of my photos to some of his songs. (He sings.) And I have. And now I feel awfully holy too. Well maybe not now, but it seemed like I was praying as I made up the slideshows. So you never really know what unimagined inspiration you may cause half a world away!
