Monday, September 14, 2009

School begins!

Well, the kids had a good start to the school year. B was nervous the first day -- didn't want to go, had stomach cramps, etc., and rated the day a "2" on a 1-5 scale. But by the end of the week he seemed back to his comfortable, easy-going self, and he rated the day a "4."
J, ironically enough, has been pitching a fit every day about not being able to go back to her classroom. She just doesn't understand why her neighborhood friends get to hang out together at school, but she doesn't. Maybe we will be able to afford to send her later in the year.

The kids on the first day. And, below . . . our garden may have had multiple crop failures thanks to the prolific bunnies and an unusually cool summer, but the sunflowers have just been exploding all over the place, which is quite a treat.

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